A lot more than just leather products sellers, we are above all specialists and lovers of this noble material. In that fashion we put a lot of importance to the material’s choice by the way of an internal service “Cuiroma Qualities”, the latter allowing the purchase’s production process control until the final delivery of the product.
Our partners and suppliers are carefully selected according to a number of criteria designed by our teams: fabrication’s process and places, animal treatment, the provenance of the material... nothing is left to chance.
With Cuiroma, you don’t have to worry about anything! A customer service is set just for you. Do you have a problem? A claim, or a simple default on your product? We are committed to exchange your product or refund it in the best delays. In that case, we invite you to contact us by email: contact@cuiroma.com or call us on +212 6 43 40 18 53.